Search Results

Your search for "" yielded 126 results.

Rochester Summer Learning Collaborative: Impact • Successes • Lessons Learned

600 Students & Families Served • Summer Learning Collaborative in 2020For the member organizations of the Summer Learning Collaborative (The Collaborative), it became clear in early spring that su...

Introducing EnCompass Learning Hub! Rochester Students’ Welcoming, Safe Space for Supported Remote Learning

>>Meet Melinda, our Learning Hub student in this WROC News story<< When Rochester City School District announced 100% remote learning to start the 2020-2021 school year, it sparked ample ...

Education Success Update - October

Community-Wide Impact @ Education Success Foundation During our community's most challenging hour, ESF is committed to standing with students and families. With tremendous community support from our f...

Education Success Update - November

Leading The Way @ Education Success Foundation Recognizing and responding to the inequities our students face, we are proud to be participating in the United Way 21-Day Equity Challenge alongside comm...

Education Success Update - January

As we reflect on 2020 and plan the year ahead, something that never changes is our commitment to steadying students & families on the paths they choose. In 2020... Critical program adaptations w...

Prevention is not "Optional"

One of the many changes the Governor’s 21-22 budget includes a proposed merger of the Community Optional Preventive Services (COPS) program with the Supervision & Treatment for Juveniles Program ...