Future Ready

EnCompass Future Ready is enrolling Rochester students grades 6-12. Our FREE, safe, and enriching afterschool program takes place 4 days per week on our Lake Avenue campus (16 Lakeview Park), transportation is available to/from school and students’ homes, and students can continue year after year. We currently serve teens from 50 different Rochester schools! 100% graduation by seniors since we began (2019) • 100% of families share their teen enjoys the program • This easy, online application can be completed on a computer or smartphone: www.bit.ly/futureready-app

We Help Teens Chart Paths To Graduation and Successful Futures

Future Ready is our year-round program for students in grades 6 through 12. Tutoring promotes academic achievement, college and career enrichments expose students to college and career pathways and build social-emotional skills. Students complete 30 hours of job-readiness training and are placed in jobs with our Employer Partners. Every teen works 1:1 with a Navigator to plan the future of their choice.


Future Ready

Future Ready prepares students grades 6-12 for lifelong success. They receive year-round academic and navigation support as they develop job and life skills. Students work with their Navigator to chart a personalized college and career plan, and we work with employer partners to match students with jobs. Once placed, we continue to develop students as employees through workshops, hands-on learning experiences, and academic support.

Eligible students live in the City of Rochester and currently attend more than 50 different schools.

FR Webpage VideosBeing Future Ready Means 10

How Does Future Ready Benefit Teens?

- Job-readiness certification and job placement (Employer Partners include: Wegmans, URMC, Renewal by Andersen, Rochester Regional Health, Seabreeze)

- Free, safe, fun afterschool and summer programs

- Tutoring and homework support with certified teachers; Regents, SAT, ACT test prep (100% graduation rate since we began in 2019!)

- Daily 1:1 mentoring and college/career pathway development with staff “Navigators”

- College and workplace tours; and local & out-of-state trips

- Lifechanging guest speakers; connections with diverse community and business leaders

- Cooking education and culinary exposure; daily meals and emergency food supports

- FREE Drivers Education & Driving Hours, YMCA Jr. memberships

- Lifelong friendships and sooo much fun!!

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FREE Academy

Teens are prepared for jobs each year with 16-20 hours of Future Ready Employment Education (FREE) Academy. FREE Academy provides 1:1 support, job and life skills training, invaluable experiences, and friends to last a lifetime. They are ready for roles with Wegmans, University of Rochester Medical Center, and Rochester Regional Health!

Register Today: bit.ly/FREEacademy

Current Employee Partners

  • Wegmans
  • University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Rochester Regional Health
  • Seabreeze
  • Rainbow
  • Burger King
  • City of Rochester

Interested In A Partnership?

We welcome the opportunity to partner with schools and organizations to develop Rochester's next movers and shakers. To discuss partnership please contact Cara Fitzgerald at 585-704-9081 or by email.